Friday, November 24, 2006

Day after Thanksgiving. And some traditions.

Hi all. Hope that you had a great Thanksgiving. Mine, even though I had to work in the morning, went off without a hitch. No problems and no accidents either. Which with 9 people here moving around is a really good thing.
As you all know, today is the biggest shopping day of the year. I am not one of them out there trying to get in on it. I don't mind shopping in a busy store, but not that busy. I'll be waiting till later next week to do my shopping.
Our day after Thanksgiving tradition is starting to get the Christmas decorations out and getting the outdoor lights around the front porch, hubby will probably do that today, and starting to get the tree up and decorate it. I love traditions and try to follow my families. I would LOVE to hear your family traditions if you would want to share.

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